If you got girl troubleThere’s so much drama in the Mi –Ya – Zak- ki it’s kind of hard being a Stephen W A L R –O N D, but some how some way I keep coming up with funky new tricks like every single day!
I feel bad for you son
But, I got 99 problems
And a bitch ain’t one!
Just thought I would open this entry with some of my lyrical wizardry, I hope you dig it homeboy/girl.
So, Stephen, why the Jay-Z quote? And what is this drama? Let me answer that in a long drawn out protracted manner.
The drama ain’t mine, it’s about three girls, and in America they call girls bitches, a pseudonym (bitch being the name women assume when they become the authors of their own drama) which is oft very apt.
So if the drama ain’t yours then why are you bugging boo? Well another great question, lets analyse the human psyche and see if the answers lay within.
when they feel insecure in a relationship or a situation they take a cowards way out and desperately find a scapegoat
People are insecure, cowardly, desperate and needy. And sometimes when they feel insecure in a relationship or a situation they take a cowards way out and desperately find a scapegoat that they need to explain their abnormal behaviour.
I’ve become said scapegoat, a role I would happily play if I knew that it would lead to the resolution of their insecurity in the final act. Yet I don’t think that is where this drama is going, like I said, these problems aren’t mine. I don’t own them and I can’t solve ‘em either.
we all know the pretence of ignorance is not bliss
But as long as I remain the focus of these women’s vitriol, spite and polemic rhetoric they can happily ignore the problems they have. Well, not happily, as we all know the pretence of ignorance is not bliss.
My conclusion? I don’t have one but let me just say that I won’t waste another moment being shocked or disappointed by these peoples behaviour, if I only expect the worst from them I can only ever be pleasantly surprised.
This blog entry was brought to you by the letters J & Z, the colour Green and Ebonics … phool!
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