Japan has four seasons, count them! FOUR! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Mr. Rest Of The World, because we don't care how many seasons you have,we are better because we have, not one, not two, not three but FOUR, yep... go knock your head on the corner of a block of tofu and die!
Hmmm... anyway, got this email yesterday and thought I would post it here for the amusement of passing traffic.
Check out this article....http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080129/lf_afp/lifestylejapangastronomy
So C found the webpage of the people who are behind this campaign and it begins with something like "Japan has 4 unique seasons..... blah blah blah.. therefore we have a unique cuisine...."
K says that sometimes when people ask him how he feels about life in Japan he explains that he found it difficult to adjust because in Canada they have 4 seasons and it's not the same in Japan. Apparently you can almost see people's heads exploding when you throw that at them. Gotta give it a try one day.
I went to an elementary school today and I was explaining to some 2nd graders that northern Australia is hot all year round. But southern Australia is hot during summer and it even gets cold enough to snow in places in winter. At that point one of the teachers asked me if we have spring and autumn too.
Is it possible to turn from summer to winter without an autumn? Can it turn from winter to summer without a spring? Can it be summer one day and winter the next?
Anyways, C reckons he's going to send an email to the people in charge of the campaign for Japanese food. He's going to suggest that restaurants in Japan get stickers of approval for all of the foreign foods they make... and then explain that no restaurant in Japan will manage to get the sticker because Japan has screwed up most foods they've adopted from other countries. Here is a list...
- Pizza
- Pasta
- Bread
- Curry
- Christmas Cake
- Kimchi
- Wine
- Sausages
- Breakfast Cereal
Anyone who has ever eaten a Japanese equivalent of any foreign food will appreciate the irony.
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