Untitled & Unfinished 1:
Though now I'm here at the only conclusion
Untitled & Unfinished 2:
And through the starkest night I've stood staring at lunar light
Untitled & Unfinished 3:
And all the time my heart beg my mind for some sort of release
Some solace
Some peace
Untitled &
I wonder how much I've let go by holding on
Wonder how much I let pass by standing fast
I didn't wonder too fast if I was led down a path right for me,
Or where that path would lead or what would be left in sight for me
Though it is no small wonder, no wonder at all, that it came to an end
1 & 2 are a little hammy now that they're written down, I might have 3 written on my gravestone because that is the only place it could be where it wouldn't seem trite. 4 is the more complete and yet seems unfinished, it feels like their is a narrative hidden there and I need to eek it out but I've set my self a task by beginning with a structure I can't carry on in any genuine way.
Again, comments welcome.